Book Exchange
Need something to read?
Members bring books to our monthly meetings and in exchange borrow from the extensive selection on our book and DVD exchange table.
As you all aware, the Club has a much loved and very well utilized book exchange programme.
Monika Critchley has been the Convenor for this activity for quite some years now and has been very ably assisted by Ron. As of the AGM in March, Monika will be standing down as the Convenor.
If this programme is to continue, we will need one strong person, or a couple of people to take up the convenorship. Think of the benefits! Someone has to shut themselves away and read the books to make sure they are appropriate!!!??? Surely we could make that a condition if it is not one already!!
At the moment, there are three quite large tubs and four cardboard boxes full of books. There is also a trolley to transport the books to and from the car and into The Coach. The Coach has a lift which will make things easier.
Please contact Russell Oakley if you feel you could take on this position.
On behalf of all the bookaholics within the Club, which is a very high percentage, I would like to thank Monika and Ron for the fantastic effort they have put in to make this such a well organised and popular activity. Thank-you
Bev Smithson. President